Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Why Did I Have to Get the Needy Birds?

Um.. we have a problem..

There's no water in here!

Why is there no water in here?

Yo, Red House lady, we need some water!

We're waiting...


  1. How funny! yes, they're waiting for water!

  2. LOL! Indie please give those birds some water girl. LOL!

  3. This is hysterical. I love it. A downy woodpecker yells at me repeatedly if his hot pepper suet cage is empty. Aren't they funny little things? Thanks for my lol of the morning.

  4. That's so funny, cute pics.

    I can tell by the sound of our resident Cardinal "Mr. C" if I need to get out there a fill the feeder or put water in the bath. He looks right in the window and registers his complaints!

  5. Now you know who is really in charge. Better get on that. Sometimes a second notice can get a bit more insistent. Isn't this why we do it?

  6. You just can't get the staff these days...hmpfh! x

  7. Hilarious!! Their faces really look as if they are asking you exactly that!

  8. Awww, sweet. I chuckled out loud reading this post! I agree, they do seem to be asking for you to supply water for their bathing pleasure. Cute!

  9. It's those squirrels, I tell you - they are the water hogs and don't leave any for the rest! That's my story and I'm sticking to it..


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